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1. Inspire Change and Impacting Others

Change is an integral part of our Mission. Often times, we ignite a fire within volunteers to make the world a better place.  We provide the space for our volunteers to act on their passions through serving others with generosity and positivity. 


2. Personal Growth

Beyond The Abuse, Inc. gives volunteers a space to challenge themselves while in a safe and supportive environment. Each placement site offers various opportunities for professional supervision and trainings throughout the year. At BTA, you will have the opportunity to do more than just grow, you will get to know yourself and understand your impact on those around you.


3. Purpose

It will offer new life experiences and insight into social and developmental issues. Understanding community needs helps foster empathy and self-efficacy.


4. Valuable Experiences

Volunteering builds social skills, develops awareness and improve job search post-graduation. Through the experiences you have while volunteering, you may get a better idea of the career path you have chosen and whether or not it’s right for you.


5. Meaningful Connections

BTA will introduce you to people from all walks of life. It gives you the chance to form relationships that can have a lasting impact on you. 


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©2024 Beyond The Abuse, Inc.. All rights reserved.  Beyond The Abuse, Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible.

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